Declaration of Absence from an Examination

You must complete this form if you cannot submit or complete a midterm or final exam or any other final evaluation (e.g., a take-home exam). You must complete the Declaration for each course for which you will miss this type of evaluation. Requests are handled according to the process in effect in the faculty responsible for the course. Please note that a non-refundable $60 administrative fee will be charged.

DON'T use the declaration form to report:

An absence from an exam cannot be declared more than five (5) working days prior to the start of the exam or three (3) working days after the exam. However, if a student starts an exam but cannot complete it due to a significant deterioration in their health or a situation requiring immediate or emergency medical attention, the student must submit the Declaration of Absence from an Examination within five (5) working days following the exam.

A student does not need to attach justification for the absence (i.e., a medical certificate or certificate of exceptional personal circumstances) to the form for a first-time absence from an exam in a specific course unless the absence occurred while the exam was already underway.

Please refer to Academic Regulation A-8.6. for more information.

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